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Tag: howto

Post-Interview: Converting Candidates into Employees

Post-Interview: Converting Candidates into Employees

The Problem How often has it happened that you go through the pains of selecting the best fitting candidate for the role you have in your Company, offering them the best salary you can afford, and yet they do not turn up on the joining date? How often has it happened that you have gone through the painstakingly long and challenging interview process, got the offer that met your expectation, but still continued to interview with other companies, mainly because…

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Starting Your Own IT Business In India?

Starting Your Own IT Business In India?

This is the Current State Of Processes Around It! I recently started working on a foreign software development contract. It seems that to ‘earn’ via such a contract, you need to have a business entity of sorts. I had to undergo a long, painful process riddled with unknowns and uncertainties to establish one and raise my invoices. Here is a brief of my understanding of the process and various norms and laws. I do not claim that the material below…

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Participating In A 24 Hour Hackathon

Participating In A 24 Hour Hackathon

Just returned from a 24 hour hackathon, sleepy, red-eyed, tired, exhausted and yet writing this post. You know why? Because I skipped it the last time, and the time before, thinking I will do it the next day and that sleep was more important, but never did it. Not going to make the same mistake again. So here I am. For those who are unaware of what a hackathon is, it is an event where dreamy eyed people enter and…

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Creating a Coding Interview Problem

Creating a Coding Interview Problem

Creating a Coding Interview Problem At work, I have been responsible for conducting the coding tests during the interview process, and have been doing that for over a few years now. Over the time I have made some mistakes, learnt some things and this post is a summary of what one should consider when creating a coding test. Coding tests are generally the first round of interview; it is either online or on campus, depends, but a coding round is…

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Using Docker and a Private Registry with VPN On Windows

Using Docker and a Private Registry with VPN On Windows

Wasn’t that a very specific title? Docker has a very good documentation and reading that alone is enough for most of the straightforward tasks we might want to do. But as always some practical tasks are not straightforward, hence this blog. What we are going to see here today is how to setup docker toolbox on a Windows machine, make it work even when VPN is connected, make it talk to a private, insecure docker registry (that is why VPN)…

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How to add a nice code block to blogger

How to add a nice code block to blogger

While there are awesome syntax highlighting and styling libraries  with nicely written tutorials for using them with blogger, a simple ‘code’ tag can suffice at times… For such times: .myCodeHighlighter { border-left: 4px solid #FF9933; display: block; font-family: Courier,”Courier New”,monospace; margin: 15px; overflow: auto; padding: 15px; text-align: left; white-space: nowrap; } And use as: <code class=”myCodeHighlighter”> //the code codes here.. </code> A preview of how it will make your code tags look like? You are looking right at it! 🙂