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Category: interview

Post-Interview: Converting Candidates into Employees

Post-Interview: Converting Candidates into Employees

The Problem How often has it happened that you go through the pains of selecting the best fitting candidate for the role you have in your Company, offering them the best salary you can afford, and yet they do not turn up on the joining date? How often has it happened that you have gone through the painstakingly long and challenging interview process, got the offer that met your expectation, but still continued to interview with other companies, mainly because…

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Making The Interviews All About the Candidates

Making The Interviews All About the Candidates

Historically, interviews have always been about the company. It has always been a way for an organization to evaluate candidates. And no denying, that is the purpose of the interviews, this is why any company would fund the interviews. And this is why the interviews are so boring to go through as a candidate, this is why I as a candidate would be unsure if I wish to join your organization, unsure if you are offering what I am looking…

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