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Month: August 2019

Understanding Microservices: Exploding A Monolith

Understanding Microservices: Exploding A Monolith

This is a myth-buster exercise. When it comes to microservices, the talks and blogs around are riddled with fancy and scary terms. This presentation is takes a different take on it. Instead of learning the terms, we discover the solutions to various problems and then learn what those solutions are popularly referred to as. We go through the history of software architecture to understand how it evolved in the good old days. Based on which we draw some rules of…

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Who do we write code for?

Who do we write code for?

Recently, while reviewing some code, I came across the snippet below. Now a keen mind can spot many issues with this. The ones I am referring to are something specific and relevant to the business though. The code is supposed to fetch all active clients, loop through, get job specifications from some DataSources defined for those clients, build a config object and return those values to calling function so that those jobs can be fired. Interestingly DataSourceInstance, DataSourceOriginConfig and DataSourceJobConfig…

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[TechNggets] Episode 3: Circular Dependency

[TechNggets] Episode 3: Circular Dependency

This is the third episode of podcast “Tech Nuggets and Thoughts”. To get updates, you can subscribe to the podcast on: Apple iTunes, Google Podcasts,, RSS feed, FeedBurner, Stitcher Radio or TuneIn . If you have any suggestions, thoughts or recommendations, please feel free to comment below. You can also reach me on podcast’s twitter handle @TechNggets or my personal account @nikhilwanpal. (If the fancy player above does not work, try the bare bones player below.)