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Tag: cleancode

The Legend of the Untested Code

The Legend of the Untested Code

Have you heard the tale of the Untested Code? A mythical beast that haunts the dreams of developers, causing chaos in its wake. Legend speaks of a time when a desperate coder, pressed by looming deadlines, dared to push code to production without the sacred rites of writing tests. The code, against all odds, worked. A miracle! Or was it? As days turned to weeks, the true nature of this unholy creation revealed itself. What was once a simple function…

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Post-Interview: Converting Candidates into Employees

Post-Interview: Converting Candidates into Employees

The Problem How often has it happened that you go through the pains of selecting the best fitting candidate for the role you have in your Company, offering them the best salary you can afford, and yet they do not turn up on the joining date? How often has it happened that you have gone through the painstakingly long and challenging interview process, got the offer that met your expectation, but still continued to interview with other companies, mainly because…

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Who do we write code for?

Who do we write code for?

Recently, while reviewing some code, I came across the snippet below. Now a keen mind can spot many issues with this. The ones I am referring to are something specific and relevant to the business though. The code is supposed to fetch all active clients, loop through, get job specifications from some DataSources defined for those clients, build a config object and return those values to calling function so that those jobs can be fired. Interestingly DataSourceInstance, DataSourceOriginConfig and DataSourceJobConfig…

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[TechNggets] Episode 3: Circular Dependency

[TechNggets] Episode 3: Circular Dependency

This is the third episode of podcast “Tech Nuggets and Thoughts”. To get updates, you can subscribe to the podcast on: Apple iTunes, Google Podcasts,, RSS feed, FeedBurner, Stitcher Radio or TuneIn . If you have any suggestions, thoughts or recommendations, please feel free to comment below. You can also reach me on podcast’s twitter handle @TechNggets or my personal account @nikhilwanpal. (If the fancy player above does not work, try the bare bones player below.)