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Author: Nikhil Wanpal

Redis Cluster: Fact Sheet (Not Just Issues)

Redis Cluster: Fact Sheet (Not Just Issues)

Redis and the Redis clustering works very differently from the other data stores and data store clusters. The differences are not always as obvious and may come up as realizations down the line while using Redis, like what happened in our case. We are using a Redis cluster, with which, fortunately, we have not faced many issues so far. But that does not mean we will not and we shall need to be prepared. Recently we were working on getting…

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Better Ways Of Storing Product Knowledge

Better Ways Of Storing Product Knowledge

So, the Brain-Format is not that good. Which is? To answer that, let’s first discuss the ideal attributes of a product knowledge and of the place we would keep the knowledge in, the repository. We shall start with the basic expectations from the documentation itself, and later discuss the expectations from the repository. But before we begin, I would like to make a point – on my previous post I got feedback that I probably should not use the term ‘knowledge’,…

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Cinnamon Crashed, would you like to restart?

Cinnamon Crashed, would you like to restart?

I have been a fan of the Cinnamon DE for years. I like the way it looks and stays out of my way when I am not admiring it and actually doing something useful! But it is somewhat buggy. This is a quick post about the cinnamon crashes, basically a new reason for it to crash. I was faced with a common issue of cinnamon crashes, suggesting me to restart cinnamon, which when clicked yes resulted in another crash and…

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Worst Place To Keep Your Product Documentation: Human Brains

Worst Place To Keep Your Product Documentation: Human Brains

One thing I can say from my experience with the products that I have worked on is this – documentation of a product is nearly as important as the code itself, and there should be a comparable amount of effort to keep it usable. Of course, it won’t earn you money-wise, but also won’t create new competition if it leaks either. But does that make the documentation any less important? What it can do though, is it can save you…

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A Guess-The-Color-Code Game: ColorCode

A Guess-The-Color-Code Game: ColorCode

This post was written ~6 years ago, a lot of things in the world of browsers have changed since, the game may no longer work/look correctly. A game with unknown name! That is what it was when I started working on it… I played this game first as a board game, on a very very old board, with no reference to the name. It was to be played by two players. The other day, my younger sisters friends had come…

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Just another object-oriented approach to jQuery plugins

Just another object-oriented approach to jQuery plugins

It has been almost a year since I have been working primarily in JavaScript. During this time I have written three jQuery plugins and loads of other scripts.This is the story of how my approach to writing jQuery plugins has evolved. I was working on my first plugin, which was supposed to be a large (in LOC) and went through the authoring mentioned on the jQuery site. In the beginning- it was great, a few exposed methods, well organized code, private functions,…

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Habit-Firebug Saver: SmartLogger

Habit-Firebug Saver: SmartLogger

How many of the web developers do not depend on Firebug or the chrome’s console… Just wondering.. BTW, its plain fun to work with firebug, makes life a lot easier.. Its a different matter all together that the other browser that you have to develop for does not have a powerful enough tool. (Name deliberately avoided to avoid the eminent flame-war!) Yes the current versions have a quite powerful debug and development tools but (hopefully) few developers working on products…

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How to add a nice code block to blogger

How to add a nice code block to blogger

While there are awesome syntax highlighting and styling libraries  with nicely written tutorials for using them with blogger, a simple ‘code’ tag can suffice at times… For such times: .myCodeHighlighter { border-left: 4px solid #FF9933; display: block; font-family: Courier,”Courier New”,monospace; margin: 15px; overflow: auto; padding: 15px; text-align: left; white-space: nowrap; } And use as: <code class=”myCodeHighlighter”> //the code codes here.. </code> A preview of how it will make your code tags look like? You are looking right at it! 🙂

Creating a Local Version Control System

Creating a Local Version Control System

Now this is a post that is going to be updated time and again.. The very post that made me abandon my previous blog to move on to a Google site.. Requirement: Need to setup a local repository.. a version control system.. Given that I use VSS (I know, please dont make faces..!) at my work place, I am used to the ‘ease’.. However it may be, it sure is simple to use…! I need the repository to be platform…

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mGSD With CheckboxPlugin

mGSD With CheckboxPlugin

    To give an introduction, TiddlyWiki is a wiki in a single html page, a must have tool for every developer, what you use it for is subjective. And mGSD is a TiddlyWiki variant to aid in GTD.     I believe, CheckboxPlugin is a must have in a tiddly wiki that can even remotely be used to track things! In spite of warnings that it ‘damages your mGSD’ I haven’t been able to damage mine nor the data in it for a while…

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