Revolutionising Agile With Head-Stand-Ups

Revolutionising Agile With Head-Stand-Ups

So here’s a true story. I work with a normal sized team as per Agile/Scrum guidelines, about 8 people. We have our usual stand-ups every day, at about 10:30 in the morning. As a general rule, people have to join this meeting. Everyone speaks following the Scrum rules, just what is required: What I did, what I am going to do today and if I am blocked. And that’s it. Yet, our discussions diverge, others jump in to help whenever…

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AWS Cloudwatch Log Scroller

AWS Cloudwatch Log Scroller

This is a quick tip about a quick solution to a regular small problem! AWS CloudWatch logs are great, but the search feature on those logs is not. The search only lists the lines that are exact match to your search term. Usually you would want to see a few lines above or below the match as well! Not all logs are single line, unless you spend efforts in ensuring that there are no newlines in the content being logged…

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Starting Your Own IT Business In India?

Starting Your Own IT Business In India?

This is the Current State Of Processes Around It! I recently started working on a foreign software development contract. It seems that to ‘earn’ via such a contract, you need to have a business entity of sorts. I had to undergo a long, painful process riddled with unknowns and uncertainties to establish one and raise my invoices. Here is a brief of my understanding of the process and various norms and laws. I do not claim that the material below…

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Mute Mic With Keyboard Shortcut On Ubuntu Or Linux Mint

Mute Mic With Keyboard Shortcut On Ubuntu Or Linux Mint

Here is a quick tip for all the automation buffs like me. Turn your mic on and off with just a keyboard combo. I do all my work remotely. Which is also to say I have a lot of conference calls. And like you, I hate it when people do not mute their phones / mic on laptops when not speaking! (cue in the obligatory meme about not putting your phone on mute during a call!) I always wished for…

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CIDR Explained in Layman Terms and Decimal Numbers

CIDR Explained in Layman Terms and Decimal Numbers

If you work on cloud it is likely that you have used those numbers and slash that follow the IP addresses. The documentation points to something called CIDR. It is said to be super helpful, and awesome standard adopted by internet that extended life of IP4 . But have you tried searching ‘what is CIDR’? It is all jargon, all of it. There is hardly any lay-man friendly explanation of the term. Even Wikipedia has managed to find a complex…

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[TechNggets] Episode 2: Intro to Git Flow

[TechNggets] Episode 2: Intro to Git Flow

This is the second episode of podcast “Tech Nuggets and Thoughts”.   Some docs on git flow: The blog that brought it to us: git flow scripts project discussed in podcast: A superb cheat sheet for git flow:   To get updates, you can subscribe to the podcast on: Apple iTunes,, RSS feed. If you have any suggestions, thoughts or recommendations, please feel free to comment below. You can also reach me on podcast’s twitter handle @TechNggets or my personal account @nikhilwanpal. (If the fancy player…

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Hello world, again! (Broken links)

Hello world, again! (Broken links)

I have moved by blog over from blogger to WordPress! As these two platforms are not exactly compatible,  old links are broken, please give me some time to fix them. I am working on it. How do I access the old blog pages? Meanwhile, you can: Try replacing the year and date between the domain and the actual blog you are looking for with link with ‘/blog/’. If you are logged in to WordPress, the blog may show you a…

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[TechNggets] Episode 1: Intro to Containers and Self

[TechNggets] Episode 1: Intro to Containers and Self

Here is the first episode of “Tech Nuggets and Thoughts” In this episode we talk about containers, what they are, how they work, what docker is and when / when not to use docker.   To get updates, you can subscribe to the podcast on: Apple iTunes,, RSS feed. If you have any suggestions, thoughts or recommendations, please feel free to comment below. You can also reach me on podcast’s twitter handle @TechNggets or my personal account @nikhilwanpal. (If the fancy player above does not work, try…

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We need to talk, says one microservice to another

We need to talk, says one microservice to another

‘But how?’ asks the other service! Ever wondered how we communicate? One would not believe how complex and multi-step process it is. It involves some very complex terms like perception, encoding, medium and decoding. Let us take a look at a diagram explaining this: So what is the relation with microservices? Communication between two services is not much different. It follows through a process very similar to this, in fact it can be explained with the exact same steps! Consider…

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Google Tag Manager: Tag Priorities Vs Tag Sequencing

Google Tag Manager: Tag Priorities Vs Tag Sequencing

  As most GTM (Google Tag Manager) users will agree, this is a much discussed yet confusing topic! The documentation on these topics is very concise and to be honest precise in describing what these two options do and what to expect, yet some of the side effects of these two options, combined with asynchronous nature of JavaScript are left out to be inferred by the users. And this is where much of the confusion seems to come from. Even…

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